
Happy New Year

Office Closed - Wednesday, January 1st. Happy New Year!

No Wednesday Service - January 1st.

Single Seniors - Thursday, January 2nd at 10:30AM. If you are a single senior, we invite you to be a part of this amazing community. We gather in the Southwing for a time of fellowship and connection.

Ladies Coffee - Saturday, January 4th at 8:30AM. On the first Saturday of the month our ladies gather at coffee shops around the area for a time of fellowship. Our Ladies Ministry invites you to attend our monthly gathering at Three Rivers Coffee in Waxahachie. 2801 N Hwy 77 #100, Waxahachie, TX 75165.

14-Day Church Fast - January 6th-19th. Fasting is every other day. If your last name begins with A-M, you will start on the evening of the 5th. N-Z will start on the 6th.

Baby Shower for Christina Mask - Saturday, January 11th at 12PM. Come be a part of a baby shower for Christina. Join us as we come to celebrate and welcome their first child, a baby girl. The baby shower will be held in the foyer. For information on the registry call the church office.

Year End Giving - All giving must be submitted by December 31st or dropped in the mail and postmarked by December 31st in order for it to count for the 2024 calendar year.

Church Bible Reading Plan - The plan is simple - read a portion of the Bible each day. To help keep you on track we have a Bible reading plan on bookmarks available at the Get Connected table. Pick up a bookmark and let's grow together!

Membership Class - (Date TBD) If you are interested in becoming a member of Crossroads, please sign up for this one-time class. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP 

Need to Create a Giving Account? Click this link: Create Account. 

Family Room - If you have a fussy toddler or baby that you would like to keep with you during the service, feel free to check out the family room. Enjoy the livestream and other amenities.

Pre-Service Prayer - Join us for pre-service prayer in the sanctuary every Wednesday at 6:15PM and Sunday in the Southwing at 9:30AM.

Pastoral Care - If you are currently battling chronic sickness or have experienced a recent loss of a loved one, please contact the church office at 972-296-2250 or send an email to contact@colag.org.

Want to stay up to date on men's or women's ministry activities? You can receive text message updates. TEXT KEYWORD MEN TO 972-366-4718 Or TEXT KEYWORD WOMEN TO 972-366-4718.