Saturday, October 26th 8AM-4:30PM. 
You are invited for a full day of fellowship, worship and more. The cost is $25 per person and includes a swag bag, breakfast, lunch, and prizes.



Dating vs. Courting - Vashti Pisors
Vashti will share insights on the nuances of dating and courting from a Christian perspective for finding a husband. Whether single, dating or exploring the possibility of marriage, this session will provide tools to guide you in making informal and spiritually sound decisions. In this session you will learn to: define key concepts of dating and courting; compare and contrast their characteristics; discuss goals and intentions (spiritual and relational); and share experiences; Q & A discussion.

Vashti Pisors has been married to her husband, Jarrod, for three years and they are new parents to baby
Sarah Joy. Vashti serves as the Business and Accounting secretary at Crossroads of Life church. She has
a master’s degree in business, her own podcast (“All the Things”) and you can connect with her on
Instagram to learn more about all of her ongoing efforts.
Floral Designs - Brandy Helm
A beautiful, customized flower arrangement can add life and something special to a home.  Come join Brandy as she shares some of her tips on how to create and customize a beautiful flower arrangement for your or someone else’s home.

Brandy Helm and her husband, Josh, have been married for 24 years and have four children:  Jensen, Jayden, Bailey and Justus.  Josh and Brandy own a construction business and build custom homes, mainly barndominiums.  For every completed home, Brandy creates a custom vase with the customer’s initials and a beautiful flower arrangement to leave behind as they move into their new home.
Forgiveness – Joyce Marable
Forgiving can be a hard and seemingly impossible thing to do.  Joyce will be sharing Biblical principles and her personal life stories on forgiveness.  You will gain a better understanding of and insights into why it is so hard at times to forgive and be given practical ways to begin practicing a forgiving way of life.

Joyce Marable has been married to her husband, Larry, for 45 years and they have four children, Clint, Laria, Maurice and Sharita and seven grandchildren.  She serves as Compassion Pastor at Crossroads of Life.  Joyce also has many who affectionately call her “Momma Joyce” or “grandmom”.
Fruit of the Spirit – Autumn Bogado
How do you show up to those around you?  We desire to be fruit bearers but are often hindered by the cares of this world.  Autumn will use her personal story and biblical principles to teach on our daily choice to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.  Let us encourage one another to “serve one another humbly in love”!

Autumn Bogado has been attending Crossroads of Life for 20 years.  She receives joy from teaching others and seeing others rise up to a state of excellence.  She and her husband, Gustavo, taught elementary Sunday School here at Crossroads for around 5 years.  She is a business leader at Southwest Airlines but her best roles are being a daughter to the King, wife to Gustavo and mother to her four sons.
Gardening – Bailey Wynne
Did you know that the word “garden’ is used 52 times in the Bible?  Did you also know that there are 61 scripture verses about gardens?  Bailey will be speaking on the importance of cultivating your garden with humor and wisdom.  She will provide tips on developing, weeding and enjoying the harvested fruits, both naturally and spiritually. Let’s get our hands dirty.  There is work to be done!

Bailey Wynne and her husband Cottrell have five children and six grandchildren.  She is a pharmacist, a doctoral student studying dementia, a blogger and an author.  More importantly, she is a witness to how God speaks in the garden.  Here is a link to a garden article she wrote for her website earlier this year:
Marriage – Gracie Rubin
There is a lot that happens between “I Do” and “‘til death do us part “.  We will identify the four seasons of marriage and determine which season we are walking through right now.  Whether a newlywed or married 30+ years, let’s get together for a brief moment to share our stories and help each other walk through each season while recognizing the faithfulness of God.  This is not for those in a perfect marriage, we will keep it real.

Gracie Rubin and Josue (Josh) have been married for 37 years.  They have two sons, Joshua and Jonathan, who worship and serve in their respective churches.  Oh, and they also have three dogs and a turtle.
Self-Defense – Sandra Cornell
Sandra Cornell is a 6-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.  With 37 years of Martial Arts experience, she will be demonstrating several “break and hold” techniques.  These techniques will not only help you break from an attacker, but possibly get away.  As you practice each technique demonstrated by Sandra and her team, you will gain the knowledge and confidence needed to defend yourself.  

Sandra has won many awards in Texas State Karate Tournaments in sparring, katas and weapons. She has three children:  Lyenise Veasley, Anthony A.J. Cornell and Santura Berry, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Stories – Annie Fuentes
Often times we focus on the triumphs and enjoy hearing stories of redemption but rarely do we like to discuss the difficulties and struggles that lead to the breakthrough.  In this class, Annie will share her personal experiences and challenges while demonstrating the significance of sharing one’s testimony and its ability to illustrate God’s power and love.

Annie Fuentes has been married to her husband Rick for 12 years and has two beautiful step daughters and one granddaughter.  Annie studied Political Science at the University of Texas at Dallas and has worked for the federal government for the past 15 years.  She also studied at Covenant Training Institute with an emphasis on Missions.  She currently serves as co-director of the Women’s Ministry at Crossroads of Life.  In her spare time, Annie loves spending time outdoors in nature and baking.