

Revival Prayer - Sunday, June 25th at 6PM. Join us as we pray for revival, our families, the church and our community.

Ladies Coffee - Saturday, July 1st at 8:30AM. Our women's ministry will be meeting for fellowship and coffee at White Rhino Coffee in Cedar Hill. All ladies are welcome to attend this event.

Youth/Kids Camp - Camp is a place like no other, where we are expecting God to move in a way like never before. The following are the dates for youth/kids camp. Contact the office for more information.
Youth Camp: June 30-July 3
Kids Camp: July 13-16

No Bible No Breakfast - The plan is simple - read a portion of the Bible each morning before breakfast. To help keep you on track we have a Bible reading plan on bookmarks available at the Get Connected table. Pick up a bookmark and let's grow together! (If you are in EHS you will have a plan that will follow along with your class.)

Pastoral Care - If you are currently battling chronic sickness or have experienced a recent loss of a loved one, please contact the church office at 972-296-2250 or send an email to contact@colag.org.

Want to stay up to date on men’s or women’s ministry activities? You can receive text message updates. TEXT KEYWORD MEN TO 972-366-4718 Or TEXT KEYWORD WOMEN TO 972-366-4718.