You’re Invited,

Several years ago, we did an initiative called Dinners for 8. You hosted a group. We’re asking you to consider doing it again. Here are the options: Dinner on Saturday, March 1st, Lunch on Sunday, March 2nd, or Dinner on Sunday, March 2nd. 

The group can meet at your home (potluck), or at a restaurant of your choosing. The goal is that each group will have two hosts (a husband and wife, or two individuals), and 6 participants (unless you want to host more people).

As a host, you would be responsible for inviting people to attend. If your group meets at a restaurant, each person would pay for their own meal but the host would ensure the restaurant's availability. If the group meets in your home, then you would prepare the main dish, and assign drinks, dessert, salad, a side dish, and condiments to the others attending. The goal is to help foster strong relationships in the church which is one of our core values. Because of this, we ask that you reach out beyond your core friend group in the church. People will also be able to sign up for a group. We will not have an electronic signup. All sign-ups will be done in the lobby so that everyone can see who is attending each group and so that we do not overfill any groups. 

We hope to begin promoting this in mid-February. Please respond and let me know if you are interested. Please include the following information: the date your group will meet, the location (home or a specific restaurant), and if you would like your group to have a specific type (everyone is welcome, college students, seniors, married with kids, singles, etc.).

 Thank you for helping to build strong relationships at Crossroads. 


Calvin Funchess